About us
ITAINNOVA is the Aragon Institute of Technology, a non-profit center linked to the Department of Science, University and the Knowledge Society of the regional government of Aragon. The institute has been created in 1984 and its main facilities are located in Zaragoza, Spain.
The mission of ITAINNOVA is to support companies through technological research and innovation, helping them increase their competitiveness by developing new products and improving their processes, and by fostering the smart use of technology in regional, national and international contexts.
The staff is composed of 240 employees, of which 18% hold a PhD degree and 66% hold a higher education degree.
The Materials and Components Division, which is the main group involved in Carbo4Power, integrates 70 researchers and technicians. The division includes the Materials Laboratory, focused on new materials development, processing and advanced characterization techniques; and the Materials and Structures Modelling and Simulation group, focused on development of material models, advanced FE/CFD simulations, multiscale techniques, reduced-order modelling and optimization tools applied to product and process simulation.